The reason why it has become so popular to start a home based business is

Working at home allows a person or a parent to see their baby's first steps, wake up when ever they feel like it, and to do what ever they want. People who work at home tend to be more relaxed, productive, and less stressed. People who have a day job are more stressed, angry, and frustrated with their jobs and lives.
Many people think that when you open your own home based business you probably make more money then your last day job. This is not the case. Many people have actually knew that if they open their own home based business, then their incomes can drop by a few percentages. Working at home and not having a boss is much more important to them then the money that they are making now.
Choose what you love and do bestYou’re going to give a lot of time and energy to starting a business and build it into a successful enterprise, so it’s truly significant that you extremely take pleasure in what you do.
Initiate your business while you’re still workingIt may be a long time before your new business actually makes profits. Being employed while you’re initialising your business means funds in your pocket while you’re going through the business start up course of action.
Take help before starting You NEED a support system while you’re starting a business. A family member or friend that you can bounce ideas off and who will listen understandingly to the latest business start up crisis is priceless. Even better, find a mentor or, if you meet the criteria, apply for a business start up program. Experienced direction is the best support system of all.
Get clients or customers firstDon’t wait until you’ve officially started your business to get clients, because your business can’t survive or even start without them. Do the groundwork and networking and make contacts already before starting your business. Sell or even provide your products or services. It’s essential for your business to start marketing soon.